List of Dexter's Laboratory episodes
Dexter's Laboratory is an American animated television series created by Genndy Tartakovsky for Cartoon Network. Initially debuting on February 26, 1995, as a seven-minute World Premiere Toons pilot, it was expanded into a full series after gaining network approval. The first season, which consists of 13 episodes divided into three segments each, premiered on Cartoon Network on April 28, 1996. A second season of 39 episodes followed in 1997. In this season, Allison Moore, the voice actor for Dee Dee, was replaced by Kathryn Cressida, except for episodes "Ant Pants", "Chubby Cheese" and "Lab of the Lost". "Last But Not Beast", the second season finale, was originally supposed to conclude the series in 1998. However, Tartakovsky directed a television movie titled Dexter's Laboratory: Ego Trip which aired on Cartoon Network on December 10, 1999. He left the series after the movie, focusing on his other projects, Samurai Jack and Star Wars: Clone Wars.
Production on a third season began in 2001 with Chris Savino taking over as creative director and later producer. It premiered on November 16, 2001, during Cartoon Network's "Dexter Goes Global" marathon. The third season episode "Poppa Wheely/A Mom Cartoon/The Mock Side of the Moon" is the first to feature Christine Cavanaugh's replacement Candi Milo as the voice of Dexter. Milo would voice the character from the next episode onward, with the exceptions of "Tele Trauma". A fourth and final season consisting of 13 episodes aired from November 22, 2002, to November 21, 2003. In total, there have been 78 episodes and a television movie across 4 seasons. Also released was a controversial unaired episode called "Rude Removal", which was originally only shown at certain comic conventions. The segment was later picked up by Adult Swim and released to the public on January 22, 2013, online.